Board-Certified Rheumatologist in South Carolina
Welcome to Sandhills Rheumatology. We understand the diagnosis and treatment of patients with disorders of the joints, muscles, tendons, and other connective tissue. Living with arthritis and rheumatic diseases can be difficult. That's why our caring and dedicated medical staff have devoted their professional lives to diagnosing and treating these diseases.
We believe that by partnering with our patients and providing them with the best service, a friendly environment that is personal, caring, and comfortable, we can positively affect their overall quality of life. This is our priority and driving force.
As a Board Certified Rheumatologist with years of clinical experience, Dr. Morthala is qualified to manage all cases related to Rheumatology and help thousands of patients. All of our patients are referred to us by other physicians who over the years have built strong relationships and a great degree of trust with us.
We hope our website will answer some of your questions and guide you. Besides information on our services and how to reach us, you'll also find valuable resources, that will empower you to make an informed decision.
We look forward to hearing from you & wish you the very best of health!
Warmest Regards,
Suneetha Morthala MD, FACR